Elle’s World



Self-care is often thought of as a one-off ‘treat’ to ourselves but at Elle Effect, we see it as a constant practice. From facials to weekly self-tans to hair treatments to exercise, it’s different for everyone but the current coronavirus is impacting what we can do and how often. There’s a lot of uncertainty and change happening to our day to day routines but we believe, the little rituals are more important than ever.

While our regular version of ‘me’ time might have been interrupted, it’s a great time to work out how to simplify and how to find those moments, even in the smallest way.  

We asked our founder, Elle Ferguson to share some of the self-care comforts she’s taken up during iso and what non-negotiables she does to make her feel great.

What are the top 3 beauty products you have on rotation during self-isolation?

I’m keeping it super simple most of the time. I have been using the Elle Effect Self-Tanning Mousse every Thursday (I don’t care what’s happening in the world, Tan Thursday always happens because it makes me feel great!!!) and then I top my face up with tan every three days (it makes me look super healthy and as I’m not wearing much make up, the glow is all I need).

Tresemme Dry Shampoo is a life saver as I’m only washing my hair once a week (oops)…

And lastly - this is a hard one - but I’d have to say the Kora Noni Glow Face Oil, even Joel is using it now. It just keeps your face super hydrated and dewy.

Has your morning beauty routine changed?

My morning routine has gone from like an hour down to about five minutes… I’m only wearing self-tan and some face oil so I’m logged onto my online morning Pilates class pretty much 15 minutes after I get up.

Have you noticed a change in your skin?

I feel like my skin has gone through a MASSIVE detox. I believe it’s because I’m not wearing as much make up and my skin has had time to rest and repair. I did have a few breakouts the first couple of weeks – probably from the stress I felt, trying to work out what’s going on. Now I’m eating much cleaner and feeling a lot calmer, my skin is really healthy (knock on wood).

How do you unplug and relax?

I’ve been running on the treadmill!

Favourite candle at the moment?

Diptyque 34.

We’d love to hear how you’re prioritising your self care. Send us a DM on Instagram or tag us into your self-tanning pics @elleeffect. Shop the Elle Effect range now for the ultimate self-care glow up.